Feet are important harbingers of other health issues. In older adults, the feet may manifest problems that forecast diabetes, nerve problems, circulatory disorders and arthritis. Even children can develop problems later in life without proper foot care in youth. For these reasons, it’s essential to understand the health of your feet and address any issues or concerns by contacting a chiropodist in Brampton.

Bramalea Chiropractic Walk In and Physiotherapy Clinic offers a range of foot care services and treatments. Our registered chiropodists are specialists in disorders affecting the feet. We provide the highest quality patient care to combat foot issues, including cracked skin, heel pain, fungal infections, ingrown toenails, sports injuries, and more.

Suffering from foot pain can impair your overall quality of life. If you want chiropody in Brampton with personalized care services, visit our Brampton foot clinic today.

What Does a Chiropodist Do?

Our Brampton chiropodist can perform foot surgery to remedy various serious issues that cause foot pain, such as ruptured Achilles tendons. We also fit patients with custom orthotics (shoe inserts) to correct their gait. Below, you can easily navigate to the condition you wish to explore and discover treatment options.

What Conditions Can a Chiropodist Help With?

At Bramalea Chiropractic Walk In and Physiotherapy Clinic, we employ a registered chiropodist that treats patients of all ages. Our foot specialists can help with many different conditions and foot-related issues. Listed below are some of the most common conditions we can assist with:

  • Corns & calluses
  • Blisters
  • Ingrown toenails
  • Plantar fasciitis (heel spur)
  • Metatarsalgia (pain in ball of foot)
  • Shin splints
  • Flat feet
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Diabetes issues
  • Fungal nails
  • Bunions
  • Bone spurs

Corns and calluses

Although corns and calluses are simply composed of dead skin, they cause problems because they can rub on your shoes or form a lump on the bottom of your foot. Calluses typically appear on the soles of feet and corns on the toes. Friction causes both. For removal, see our Brampton chiropodist – never try to remove corns or calluses yourself!


Bunions usually come from wearing shoes that are too tight, although your basic foot structure figures into the equation. A third of the population of Western countries suffer from bunions, which are bone deformities wherein the joint at the base of the big toe enlarges, and the big toe points toward the other toes – sometimes even overlapping them.

Foot pain and inflammation result from bunions, which can even cause toe deformities like hammer toes. Left untreated, bunions can lead to painful bursitis or arthritis. That’s why, if you believe you have a bunion, you should immediately make an appointment for chiropody in Brampton. Our chiropodist may prescribe special footwear (orthopedic shoes), custom orthotics, splints for overnight wear or even surgery to realign the toe.

Ingrown toenails

Causes of ingrown toenails include cutting your nails too short or placing abnormal pressure on the side of your big toe as you walk. This common but painful condition starts with swelling and tenderness and may progress to an infection or the skin growing over the ingrown nail.

Soak your foot in warm salt water several times daily and insert dental floss between the skin and the nail. If you see an infection, you’ll need to visit us. We can treat the ingrown toenail or even perform a surgical procedure.

Plantar fasciitis (heel spur)

Heel spurs occur when the feet are flattened for one reason or another, stretching the plantar fascia that stretches the length of the bottom of your feet. Sometimes that tendon becomes inflamed and very painful.

Some treatments include stretching that tendon (especially in the morning), taking anti-inflammatory medications, icing the area, using custom foot orthotics and engaging in physical therapy. If you have heel pain when you walk, you must see our chiropodist for personalized care.

Metatarsalgia (pain in the ball of the foot)

If the ball of your foot hurts, you may have metatarsalgia – an inflamed, painful joint. Sometimes a callus even develops under the joint. Other causes of this condition are rigid footwear, arthritis, an accident, or sports injury. If a change of shoes doesn’t alleviate your pain, custom orthotics can often solve the problem. Reach out to our Brampton foot care experts today to get relief!

Shin splints

Do the muscles and tendons on either side of your shin bone hurt after activity? You could have shin splints, a painful inflammation in those tissues related to arch problems.

To avoid shin splints, be sure to stretch before and after exercise. Corrective shoes or orthotics could be the solution if you already suffer from shin pain. Reach out to our foot specialist today to get started!

Flat feet

This widespread issue is normal in small children who don’t walk yet, but older kids who appear not to be developing a normal arch should see a chiropodist. Check your child’s shoes. Do they lean toward each other when placed side by side? That’s a sign of flat feet – along with foot pain, of course.

Flat feet in adults can lead to tendon inflammation (perhaps even tearing) and pain. You should always see a doctor if you suspect flat feet and experience mid-foot pain. We may suggest taping, icing, bracing, physical therapy or orthotics and prescribe anti-inflammatory medications to treat you. In some cases, surgery is necessary. Reach out to our chiropodist today to get the relief you deserve!

Achilles tendonitis

Athletes know that the Achilles tendon is one of the most frequently ruptured tendons in the body. Achilles tendinitis – overuse and inflammation of the tendon that joins your calf muscle to your heel bone – can result from increasing the intensity of your running, stair climbing routine or starting back up with your exercise routine too quickly after a cessation without stretching adequately. Trauma can also rupture this tendon.

If you notice swelling in your leg, pain along the tendon after exercise or pain in the mornings, you can treat these symptoms with custom rest, changing exercises and bandaging. Your chiropodist may also suggest orthotics, anti-inflammatory medications or surgery. Reach out to our foot specialist to get the support you need today!

Diabetes issues

Diabetes, or chronic high blood sugar, can cause damage to your nervous system that results in foot problems. Diabetes decreases your immune system’s ability to stave off infection in your feet and can damage the nerves, leading to numbness.

With no feeling in your feet, you may be unable to detect the damage you’re inflicting on your joints, bones and skin through normal pain. Should a diabetic develop sores on the feet, they may not heal properly.

Properly fitting shoes are essential for diabetic foot care, and orthopedic shoes may be necessary for those with common foot problems like hammertoes, bunions or flat feet. To avoid serious issues such as losing toes, feet and even legs, consult a chiropodist if you have diabetes.

Fungal nails

We may prescribe oral or topical antifungal medications to treat a fungal infection of the toenails. It starts as nail thickening, and you may see some discoloration.

By treating your fungal nail early, you can avoid infection of the skin around it. After treatment, wash and dry your feet before bedtime and apply an antifungal cream to your whole foot. You can use the cream less often as time goes on. Keep your feet dry, avoid sharing nail clippers and socks, and wear shower shoes in public places.

Bone spurs

Small outgrowths of bone, most often in the heel, above the big toe joint and near the toes, are typically harmless but may cause irritating friction. We often treat this problem with anti-inflammatory medications and cortisone injections first and then with orthotics to keep them from recurring. If you’re suffering from bone spurs, reach out to our team of chiropodists today.

Book an Appointment with a Brampton Chiropodist Today

Whatever your foot problem, our extremely knowledgeable registered chiropodists at Bramalea Chiropractic Walk In and Physiotherapy Clinic can help. We will assess your feet, diagnose any conditions, and work with you to develop a customized treatment plan. We can also discuss general foot care and prevention methods to ensure your feet stay in prime condition.

It’s essential to find relief from foot pain. Visiting us can help you live your life free from discomfort. Contact us today to discuss the service you require and book your appointment.


Q.What does a chiropodist do to feet?

A chiropodist provides advice, support and treatment to maintain good foot health. They can assist with minor problems like bunions and cracked heels or more severe ones like Achilles tendonitis and fungal skin infections.

Q.What conditions do chiropodists treat?

Chiropody services include treatment for an extensive range of foot-related ailments. Common problems include bunions, corns, calluses, heel spurs, shin splints, issues with toenails, and foot problems linked to diabetes.

Q.Do chiropodists cut toenails?

A licensed chiropodist can assist patients with all aspects of toenail care, including cutting the nails, treating ingrown toenails, and prescribing oral or topical antifungal medications to treat fungal infections.

Q.When should I see a chiropodist?

Any foot problems or concerns can warrant a trip to see a chiropodist. If you are experiencing foot pain, making an appointment as soon as possible is best to prevent worsening symptoms. You can also schedule a visit for a general check-up.

Q.Do I need a referral to see a chiropodist in Ontario?

No, you do not require a referral from your doctor to visit a chiropodist in Ontario. Chiropodists are foot care specialists offering various services for feet and lower limbs issues. You can simply schedule an appointment to access treatment.